Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Doing the research on the lives and experiences of Filipino teenage fathers has given me insights on how stressful it is to be in such a predicament wherein the feeling of uncertainty is evident. Having a family at a young age is no joke and entails a lot of responsibilities, young as they are, they still need counseling and support. The pressure of raising a child and stress of finding ways and means to provide the things needed in raising a family is unbearable. What surprises me is how the young father face the consequence, most have a change of heart and are decided to function as a father and provider, even though it means double responsibilities as a father and provider. Lucky are those who have the support of their family, from grandparents to parents, they could still continue their studies unlike those who are not privileged to finance their studies. Understanding the different theories in Psychology helped me understand the plights and predicament of each individual and such made it easier to plan a program based on the information gathered from this research.

Despite the experiences of these young fathers, I’ve learned that appreciate those people who are doing their best in making things right after some wrong actions. Though there is some hope. “Young people’s engagement in risk behaviors appears to be temporary,” and somewhere in time, they find a way out.

Young Filipinos live in a world that continuously stimulates their eager minds and souls. Every day of their young lives, they thrive on public impulses while at the brink of discovering their bodies, their sexuality and their place in society.

Personality is distinct and sets one person apart from another and also examines how people are similar in some way. A person's personality is molded by his/her experiences as they grow up, internal and external factors affect a person's perspective and reflects on their personality. Knowing a person's personality can help a person deal with that particular individual.

As far as my experiences are concerned in the making of this project, learning the theories discussed in class makes it a better way of understanding each and every person’s different individuality in both attitude and in mental upbringing, what helped me in this study was most probably my own experiences in life, as my parents and elders used to say about me, that one must be responsible and ready to face consequences, and not to take chances when one is not sure of their choices, also, it helps too to think critically as much as possible, so when problems are expected or thought of, it’s easier to deal with because you knew that it may happen, in short, well-preparedness.

What made it difficult is not of your own, but for the other individual you are about to take knowledge upon, since one’s experience is different from another, it pays to listen to his/her dilemma in life in order for you to bring up a solution to his/her problem. To analyze his situation, to be able to feel what he/she feels, and to apply a feedback that he/she will accept is the hard part, because that is where he/she will get their answers from. Like a mentor to a student, they will learn from your words and actions, and that is what I believe is the difficult part of the project.

Concerning personalities, each and every individual, as I have stated, is unique, all personalities depends on what environment, situation, as well as mental thinking the person is in. They are abstract to each, but identifiable through acts and speech, they speak of one’s life, as well as their background, and influences.


Adolescent fatherhood is often associated with negative stereotyping and deficiencies in the adolescent's situation or characteristics. the thought is usually negative.
People's personalities are based according to what they had experienced in the past because, for example if they've been hurt on one situation, it's almost automatic that they would avoid to get on that situation again.
Personality has its own stabilizers, id, ego and super ego. It’s up to us on how we are going to decide on what's good and what's better for ourselves.

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