Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Successful programs help young fathers develop the behaviors and assume the responsibilities common to committed parents by providing them with emotional support and useful services.

Establishing trust in the program helps fathers overcome their possible fear of authority and legal responsibilities, and negative and fatalistic beliefs

EDUCATION. It is crucial to help fathers get as much education as possible. Thus, programs may need to act as advocates if school personnel encourage them to leave. If fathers want to drop out of school, counselors can foster persistence by building fathers’ confidence that they can succeed, helping them get a job that will not interfere with schoolwork, and securing tutoring.

PARENTING EDUCATION. As they explain why a father’s involvement is crucial to a child’s development, counselors also teach how fathers can help their children develop cognitively, socioemotionally, and physically. Equally important, they help fathers develop strategies for controlling their anger when their children misbehave and for constructively disciplining the children.

SPIRITUALITY. To better appreciate the gift of life and talents that God has given, activities that lifts the spirit like Mass and prayers would help the participant in going through life and prepare a family that is Christ centered.

CAREER DEVELOPMENT. Programs can help fathers find short-term employment to meet their child support obligations; make long-range career plans; and enroll in training programs, such as Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training. It may be necessary to provide a crash course in job-seeking

COUNSELING. Counselors help youth clarify their feelings about impending fatherhood and assuming adult responsibilities early. To help fathers feel less isolated, they provide a place for sharing feelings, asking questions, and identifying commonalities within the group. Counselors also help them develop a mature definition of masculinity so they can enjoy a healthy relationship with a woman and defer fathering additional children

SPORTS. Sports program from group to individual sports will help develop self-confidence, camaraderie and different motor/mental skills and promote physical awareness. It also serves as a destressors and recreation.

HOUSEKEEPING/COOKING Activities in maintaining and keeping the house and share in the responsibilities of the wife which is essential in raising a family.

HANDICRAFT. Recreation that would serve as additional income for the family.


In Grooming, Personality Development and Legal Matters before the start of the group counseling sessions.

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